Can you get a Virus?

How you get a Virus and why Antivirus software doesn’t work! Author: Cody Reed With Computers and Websites Done Right LLC. Computer virus: A computer virus is a type of malicious software program (“malware”).   That when executed,  reproducing itself (copying its own source code).  Or infecting other computer programs by modifying them. They are…


Blogging for Business

A blog is a easy to use platform for connecting with and sharing relevant and timely information with customers and search engines will come back to your website every time you Blog.  Your Blog fuels SEO.  Did you know that 60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers, according to HubSpot survey.  Writing a blog…


What is Cryptowall Virus?

 Not sure if any of you have heard of this, but there is a resurfacing ransomware virus which infects your computer through emails, general updates, and browsers that encrypts your server and/or computer data. While the virus is easily removed after infection, they will still have your data completely encrypted which cannot be reached without…


Computers Done Right Venice Florida

Computer Repair & Best Free Antivirus Software “Unprotected computers form the backbone of botnet and DDoS attacks, so installing antivirus software is a must.” Going without antivirus protection isn’t an option. Even if you don’t care about your own computer, leaving it unprotected could let cyber-crooks turn it into a zombie minion and force it to participate…
